【同义词辨析】 2017-04-17 肆虐ravage-despoil

ravage: implies a violent, severe, and often accumulative depredation and destruction: a hurricane that ~d the Gulf coast.     (depredation掠夺=plunder=loot)(accumulative累积的)

devastation: implies the complete ruin and desolation of a wide area: the atomic bomb that ~d Hiroshima.   广岛

waste: may imply a less complete destruction or one produced by a slower or less violent process: years of drought had ~d the area.

sack: implies the looting and destroying of a place: barbarians ~ed ancient Rome.       (loot抢劫战争或骚乱的受害者)

pillage: implies ruthless plundering at will but without the completeness suggested by sack: settlements ~d by the Vikings.

despoil: applies to the looting or robbing of a place or people without suggesting accompanying destruction: the Nazis ~ed the art museums of Europe.

ravage肆虐: 指长时间猛烈掠夺毁灭,devastation完全毁灭: 大片地区完全毁灭(ruin倒塌desolation荒凉),waste荒废: 范围速度和烈度相对较弱,sack劫掠: 洗劫并且毁灭,程度最强,pillage: 也是肆意洗劫,但范围不及sack, despoil: 也是洗劫,但没去毁灭

记忆方法:1) 首字母RDWSPD重组为SPD斯巴达WDR我的人<==残暴肆虐

          2) 肆虐的意思是抢劫破坏某个地方使变得荒废mean to lay waste by plundering or destroying.